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the find_service call
Hi, I am a researcher working with a registry that adheres to uddi v2. I have a tModelKey and I'd like to find all services that have a keyedReference with that same tModelKey in their CategoryBags. What is the best way to find services based on their keyedReferences? If I make a KeyedReference with a wildcard (%) keyName, wildcard keyValue and this tModelKey and add that keyedRef to a CategoryBag, when I use the find_service call with this CategoryBag I get an empty serviceList. Not even the service that gave me that tModelKey from its CategoryBag comes up.
What I have been doing instead is manually retrieving every service and looking through its CategoryBag for a keyedReference with that tModelKey, but this is incredibly slow.
Any suggestions on how to use the API? Thank you very much