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Welcome to UDDI

This is the official community gathering place and information resource for the
UDDI OASIS Standard, which defines a universal method for enterprises to dynamically discover and invoke Web services. The standard is advanced through an open process by the OASIS UDDI Specification Technical Committee, a group that encourages new participation from developers and users. This is a community-driven site, and the public is encouraged to contribute content.


25 Mar 2008 - 08:50 - 10:30
Event Type: 

HP/Systinet finally published GIF

Anne Thomas Manes writes, "Way back in April 2005, Systinet (now a part of HP) announced the Governance Interoperability Framework (GIF), which proposed to define standard formats and practices to enable interoperability among SOA infrastructure ecosystem products (service platforms, mediation systems, and management systems) via UDDI. At the time Systinet recruited about a dozen SOA infrastructure vendors to participate in a partnership  to implement support for GIF in their products.

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.Net & Sharepoint in XML & HTML

The SharePoint really do's good with .Net, the CSS files of the sharepoint can be easiliy edit by the XML & HTTP.

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I m a newbe

I am a newbe for this site.  I want to know how to view the list of webservices available and how to access them and use them.




Currecy Converter web service to access from my web part.

I need Currecy Converter web service to access from my web part.. Can any body suggest where can i search for the web service also which gives latest currency results.

I am unable to search here in


Please help me... Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
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