The UDDI web site is not longer accepting new posts. Information on this page is preserved for legacy purposes only.
Welcome to UDDI
This is the official community gathering place and information resource for the
UDDI OASIS Standard, which defines a universal method for enterprises to dynamically discover and invoke Web services. The standard is advanced through an open process by the OASIS UDDI Specification Technical Committee, a group that encourages new participation from developers and users. This is a community-driven site, and the public is encouraged to contribute content.
"The UDDI registry model is one of the central elements of an interoperable framework that ensures the effective interaction of services in a service oriented architecture. By enabling policy-based distribution and management of enterprise Web services, a UDDI registry can deliver significant business value.
UDDI: Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
In this series of articles, you'll learn how to program UDDI services. Part one provides a basic understanding of UDDI and how Java works with it. Parts 2, 3, and 4 provide hands-on example code. (Source:
Modeling the UDDI Schema with UML
This white paper provides a brief introduction to the concepts of modeling XML Schemas with UML class diagrams. (Source:
Understanding WSDL in a UDDI Registry
- WSDL can work with UDDI registries in several different ways depending upon the application needs. This three-part series looks at these different methods of using WSDL with UDDI registries. (Source: IBM developerWorks)
uddi-dev mail list
OASIS hosts this publicly archived list to support open discussion on implementing UDDI. To minimize spam in the archives, you must subscribe before posting. Subscribe using the OASIS mail list manager or by sending email to Review OASIS mail list guidelines before posting.